Saturday, January 10, 2009

I went to the Dark Side

My daughter in November 2008 had a brush with success with her desire to have a music career.

During this experience I saw how they used a Mac computer and Garage Band to assemble her original written lyrics into a complete song.


I now have a Mac Book Pro 17" to play on with a 1 TB Time Capsule device for storage.

It is a different world but I am trying to get as many of my tools I use on a portable on this Mac so I can try and use it not only for the FUN things like media handling, but for real pay the bills kind of work also.

I found out very quickly that there is a linux/unix back end to this machine and from there I keep getting more and more impressed.

I will post another entry about my customer service experience with Apple as well.

Thanks for listening . . .

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